Should Disciples Carry a Staff?
essay illustrates perfectly a recurring errantist |
Mark's Story
Note that Mark's Jesus is telling his disciples they can take a staff, but no money. After you read Matthew's story, below, you will see that apologists try to argue that Matthew is telling us that Jesus also told his disciples that they couldn't go home to get anything (implying that they could take with them whatever they had right then). This will contradict Mark, whose Jesus tells the disciples that they cannot take money with them, period. Matthew's Story
Thus, the disciples could only take with them the (one) coat on their back. Luke's Story
Luke agrees with Matthew that the disciples were not supposed to take even one staff with them. Luke's Jesus lists several items they cannot take: staves, scrip, bread, money, and coats, but Luke has Jesus making a distinction only for "coats": they can take one coat but not two. Now, if Luke's Jesus meant for the disciples to take one staff, but not two or more, he would have said "neither have two or more staves apiece". He didn't say that, so we conclude that Luke, like Matthew, believed that the disciples should go forth without a staff, in contradiction to the story in Mark, where Jesus tells them to take a staff with them. Attempted Harmonization Apologists tell us that staves in Matthew, really means extra staves, and coats really means extra coats; the disciples, they say, could take one staff, and one coat, but they could not take extra staves, or extra coats. But, what about money? It's included on the same list as staves, and coats, so to be consistent the apologists must also conclude that Matthew tells us that the disciples could take money, but not extra money, just as they can take a staff but not extra staves? However, this is a problem, too, because Mark says that the disciples can't take any money with them, period. Mark doesn't refer to what extras they couldn't take; Mark only lists the things the disciples could take (a staff, sandals, and one coat), and the things they could not take: scrip, bread, money, a second coat. Since Mark lists money among the things the disciples could not take--whether it was money they had on them, or money they might go home to obtain, Mark directly contradicts what the apologists wrongly think is Matthew's implication that they could, indeed, take with them the money they had on them. Thus, the apologists' apology fails. The only reasonable
conclusion to be reached here is that Mark and Matthew each agree that each
disciple was to go forth humbly with only a coat on his back, and without
money, food, or sandals. The one point of disagreement, however, is that Mark
thought they could take a staff with them, and Matthew and Luke thought not.
Personally, I think the intended message was that the disciples, empowered
with the spirit and strength of Jesus son of God, would only take with them
whatever would help preserve their modesty, and they would need nothing, not
even a staff, because they were "worthy of their meat" (Matthew
10:10), which
meant that God, through the people they met, would provide whatever they
needed on their journeys, just as was true for the author of the 23rd Psalm,
who walked fearlessly through the valley of death unprotected, because the
Lord was his rod and staff. This was the message Matthew wanted his
readers to receive: Jesus' disciples were just like the shepherd in the
23rd Psalm. Thus, Matthew story is about showing faith in the power of
the Lord. [1]
"staves" is plural of "staff". Undedited
comments from email posts to errancy forums follow: February
15, 2003: Was Jesus instructing the disciples to set out on their
journey barefoot? JOE ALWARD That's exactly what I think. Just as Matthew expected his readers to
think of the shepherd David in Psalms 23 who was guided and protected by
God's "staff," and who by inference didn't need his own staff,
Matthew also expect his readers to be reminded that David, too traveled
barefoot. "But David continued up the Mount of Olives, weeping
as he went; his head was covered and he was barefoot. All the people
with him covered their heads too and were weeping as they went up. " (2
Samuel 15:30) Thus, David was a shepherd who tended his flock, so Jesus'
disciples would be told to "tend to the flock." David was guided and protected by God's "staff"
in his journey through the valley of the shadow of death, so Jesus ordered
that his disciples not take a staff with them on their evangelizing journey,
for if their faith was strong enough, God would provide whatever protection
and guidance they needed. David once walked barefoot, so what was good enough for David should be good enough for Jesus' disciples. In addition, God was going to provide for their needs, anyway, so if they really needed sandals, God would see that they got them. By the way, David wasn't the only heroic figure of Old Testament times to travel barefoot. The Lord ordered Isaiah to do it, too: at that time the LORD spoke through Isaiah son of Amoz. He said to him, "Take off the sackcloth from your body and the sandals from your feet." And he did so, going around stripped and barefoot. Then the LORD said, "Just as my servant Isaiah has gone stripped and barefoot for three years, (Isaiah 20:2-3) So, there is ample precedent for holy men to travel about without sandals. David did it, and Isaiah did it, so it might seemed completely reasonable to Matthew that Jesus would order his disciples to travel barefoot, too. And, without a staff. --------------------- ALWARD When Matthew described
Jesus' instruction to his disciples before they set out on their evangelizing
journeys, he expected his readers to recall the faith of King David in the
famous Psalm below. David evidently figuratively walked through the valley of
the shadow of death under God's protection without a staff, for God was
his staff: quote: The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want…Even
though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm
23:1-4) And so it would have to
be for Jesus' disciples: Matthew evidently believed that Jesus wanted his
disciples to show their faith in God by letting God be their staff as
they traveled through the cities of Israel. If Jesus had allowed his
disciples to carry a staff, they would be showing the world that they didn't
have as much faith in God's protection as King David did, and that just
couldn't be. Thus, Matthew has Jesus explicitly tell his disciples, "Do
not take a staff": quote: He called his twelve disciples to him…Go to the lost
sheep of Israel…Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts;
take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff;
" (Matthew 10:1-11) However, the author of
Mark's gospel thought that Jesus told his disciples they could take a
staff with them: quote: And he called unto him the twelve...And commanded them
that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only.
(Mark 6:7-10) Thus, it appears that one
or the other of these two writers is wrong. Matthew said Jesus said they
could NOT take a staff, but Mark said they COULD take a staff. At most, only
one of these authors can be correct, which means at least one of them is
wrong and the Bible is in error. ----- JOE ALWARD Matthew's believed that
Jesus' message to his disciples was one of faith. His disciples would need to
take on their evangelizing journeys nothing but faith in the power of God to
protect and guide them, just like David. To make sure his readers understood
this connection, Matthew invoked images of the Psalm's shepherd by implying
that the disciples are like shepherds who are to tend to "the lost
sheep." Thus, the disciples are shepherds tending "sheep,"
just like David was. Furthermore, just like
David, who evidently needed no staff for guidance and protection, Jesus'
disciples needed no staff for guidance and protection, because God's
all-powerful staff would be there for them, if they had faith. Thus, Matthew
believed that Jesus must have told his disciples not to carry a staff. Here
is what Matthew said Jesus said: quote: He called his twelve disciples to him…Go to the LOST
SHEEP of Israel…Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts;
take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals OR A STAFF; "
(Matthew 10:1-11) I think the shepherding
and staff motive here is clear enough to remind most readers of the shepherd
David and his being guided and protected by God's staff that Matthew surely
would have expected his readers to notice it. Given that various
translations have Jesus either saying, "take no staff," or,
"take no staves," the conclusion seems almost inescapable: Jesus,
according to Matthew, did not want his disciples to take a staff with them.
In a subsequent post, Rebecca, I will address Jason's claim that "take
no staves" means that the disciples are not to take more than one staff. ---- Did "nor staves" mean, "not two staves"? JOE ALWARD "Well, he said we
couldn't take TWO coats, so that means we can take one coat. If he had meant
that we could take one staff, too, he would have said, we couldn't take TWO
staffs. Instead, he said we couldn't take staffs, period, so that means we
cannot even take one staff." Isn't that what you
would have thought? If so, then don't you think that if Matthew really
wanted his readers to know that Jesus allowed his disciples to carry a staff,
he would have made sure he had Jesus say, "don't carry TWO staffs,"
instead of having him say, "do not carry staffs"? Matthew would
have known that generations of readers, reading only his gospel, would have
believed that the disciples couldn't carry even one staff, wouldn't he? And
knowing that, if he really believed that the disciples COULD carry a staff,
he would have had Jesus say, "do not carry TWO staffs," just as he
did when he said, "do not carry TWO coats." How could Matthew have
been so careless, if your interpretation is correct? What if your pastor, addressing church members who were about to travel the streets knocking on doors, said, "Take no bibles." Wouldn't you take this to mean that nobody was to take a bible, rather than nobody was to have TWO bibles"? If you would believe that you were not to take even one bible, then wouldn't the disciples in Matthew's narrative also have believed that they were not to take even one staff? ……. In the II-Errancy
forum, one correspondent observed a problem with the sandals. If you want to
argue that "no staffs" really means "not more than one
staff," then by logical extension you would have to argue that "no
sandals" really means "not more than one sandal." That's
silly, but no less silly than the notion that to Jesus' "no staffs"
meant "one staff." Another problem is that
Matthew's Jesus knew how to say, "not an extra tunic," so
why didn't he say, "no extra staff," if that's what he really
meant? Finally, who ever heard of anyone carrying TWO walking sticks? One in each hand? Do you really believe that carrying two walking sticks was such a common practice in those days that the son of God would bother to warn his disciples not to carry two walking sticks? |